01 - Excursion at Dragonia
Dear Seth,
I know not how or when you will receive this, but I pray it is at the proper timing.
Enclosed in this I have left you an enchanted necklace and a map.
This map will lead you to a port in a coastal city.
Show your necklace to whomever runs the front desk at the time and await the
next ship to the Demon Realm of Dragonia. On that continent, you will find the answers you seek.
This necklace will protect you from the worst of the effects that lingering in a demon realm
can have on a man, but make no mistake that it will make it pleasant.
This is the umpteenth time I've read this letter and there is still no other clues
I can get out of it. There was no address, name or further instructions listed.
The handwriting is a dead give away to who wrote it, but I witnessed their execution
first hand and then this letter showed up only a week later! This is absolutely
a trap, but there is no longer a life for me to go back to. My old one is gone
and I don't have much left. Maybe I'll learn something, or become the next terror
of this monster-infested continent.
Looking up from my letter I see all manner of draconic monster and man consorting together and piloting the vessel. No doubt they want to take more men into their clutches, I can see it in their eyes and how they consort with men and by what they wear, or rather what little they cover. Pushing those sorts of thoughts away I put the letter away and look towards the land mass I can see in the distance- a mountainous island. As the ship approaches, the city built into the side of the mountain starts coming into view and the tell tale signs of a green demon realm begin to reveal themselves. I can feel the air get ever so slightly heavier and stagnant, the normally blue waters take on a very faint pinkish because of the increasing presence of demonic energy. It shouldn't come to any surprise that a formerly great realm that tamed dragons would have their future perverted into this after choosing to live alongside them. I can't help but wonder if that much really changed in Dragonia since the new demon lord took hold since they already lived alongside each other quite some time before she came into power.
The process of getting off of the ship has been expedient to say the least. They don't really do a lot of digging into backgrounds around here; good for me I suppose. Wouldn't want a whole monster kingdom to know that I'm running around. I watch as a wyvern and dragon observe as people go by the last portion of customs. It wasn't a bad place, it was definitely made with care and high quality materials if the wood was anything to go by. The comfortable seating being around helps to make this area almost a little.... homey. As I waited for my turn in line I watched the customs workers do their job. Was this a recent change? From what I know getting in is supposed to be a lax process. I notice they only seem to be concerned with weapons- I ponder why for a while until it finally clicked. They must be ones who watch for magic equipment. Shit, I didn't think about this, I don't know what sort of aura the Cleaver gives off as a holy weapon. I glance back at the large blade strapped to my back in its sheath. When it's my turn, I get out of the chair and step to the desk to let the monsters do their work.
For a moment I thought was free, until I heard tapping on my left pauldron. I looked over to see the scantily clad silver-haried Wvyern who I had observed before. From the chatter of the other reptilian monsters that worked here, I think I over heard her name being Shirtiya or something like that.
"I need you to stand aside so I can take a better look at your stuff." she orders out of the blue.
I look at her through my helmet for a moment before moving aside. She begins looking all over my pack and my armor itself. I can't tell if she's trying to measure me up or if she just doesn't care about invading my personal space. I snap out my thoughts as I see a wing of hers go for the Cleaver. I step away from her.
"You shouldn't go around touching the weapons of others." I coldly tell her.
She shoots me an annoyed look in return. "Take it out and show it to me then."
Deciding that resisting is more trouble that it could be worth, I unlock the sheath and bring out the large, but awkward blade. Looking at it seems to genuinely confuse her and looking back at me I see... some mix of afraid and concern on her.
"You can put that away now- hey can I have you go into a separate room? I need to get someone else over here to look at it."
I let out a sign and return the Cleaver to its sheath. "Fine. Lead the way- as long as I keep the blade."
Well, at least their detainment rooms are nice. This chair is comfortable enough to even make this armor a bit easier to wear. I have the Cleaver sitting across my lap as I look out the window. There's a good view of the calm sea. Well, it's the sea in a green demonic realm, but the weather is as nice as it gets for one. Finally, I hear the door open. I turn away from the window and my blood quickly chills colder than winter.
The first emotion I could feel in a significant period of time and it was pure fear. The silver hair, the red scales, the clothing made of living flame and the pressure against my chest her mere presense exerts. The air feels far heavier than what it was before- or is my own breathing? Regardless, I sit in the presense of the red dragon queen as she closes the door behind her.
I find myself taking deep breaths as she approaches me. My sword arm is shaking. I don't have an escape plan. Wearing my armor already makes it easy for anyone to catch up to me. Even if I was twice as fast, I doubt I could escape her. Even if she wasn't a dragon, the sheer experience gap between us of possibly more than a century would be enough destroy me.
She survived the war that created Dragonia and was put in place as their leader, even over the young hero that started the Dragai empire revolution. The Cleaver is certainly powerful, but I have no clue if it's capable of even penetrating her scale. While this visage of an attra- volu- mature woman approaches me, my mind's eye shows a different picture. I could see the red dragon that scourged many soldiers of the Dragai empire. The larger than life red dragon of old whose size would dwarf even the largest of order hero. The temperature of the room seems to increase as I feel a drop of sweat run down to the tip of my nose. It's taking everything I have to remain in my chair and not jump through the window in some doomed attempt at escape. I want to leave this chair, but my legs refuse to budge. I sincerely hope that she did not know of my past with monster-kind. Otherwise, I fear I would be eaten alive by this beast.
She takes a chair and brings it closer to my own before sitting across from me. I dared not turn away from her piercing gaze for a second.
"Young man. You seem keen to retain this blade and I can respect that. I won't pry, but are you aware of the dangers of this blade?"
Dangers? "I... I am unaware that this blade possesses any sort of danger associated with it."
The room rapidly cools down to a comfortable temperature, the pressure in the room fades away as if it was never there- finally I could breathe comfortably again. The massive red dragon had disappeared and all that was left was the woman sitting across from me. The shift is like being brought out of a daymare and back into reality. Was it all in my head? The queen begins to speak again before I could think more on it.
"Are you interested in learning the true nature of the blade?"
I cautiously nod. Even if she is a monster I have no reason to believe she would lead me astray for the moment. Plus, it might be wise to entertain her at least to avoid drawing her wrath.
"What you possess is an Order replica of an uncommon weapon distributed by the prior era's demon lord. A Cleaver. Cleavers turn even the weakest of monsters into fierce uncaring killing machines- back when such a thing was the norm. These were distributed to make culling weak settlements easy by small groups or even a single strong monster."
I feel a sharp pain in my head and recoil. From where exactly this pain is coming from I don't know.
"To turn unwitting humans into his pawns, every single copy of this blade possesses a curse in-twined in them. It helps convince the wielder that violence is the only tool they need to solve problems."
Memories I had lost start flooding back into my mind. A slaughter.
"It prevents the wielder from feeling any kind of emotions and nulls their sense of pai-"
Memories worm their way into my sight. The execution of my snake-mentor, the desperate search, the discovery, the one-hundred man slaughter and the slaughter and the slaughter and the slaughter and the cheers. Or are these nightmares?
"I can see that you're a victim of the blade."
Deonora's voice rings out, returning me to the room. Her voice is... disarming for lack of better words at this point. I just feel like trying to relax. Is this just herself, or something experienced monsters are capable of?
"I will be honest and say I would like for you to part with this blade to me so I can destroy it. Even without seeing your face, I can tell that it's causing you some suffering. I don't want to force it on you, but I think it's in your best interests to do so."
She places a hand on my pauldron her expression and mannerisms. It brings back the time I had to part from my parents and into the care of my godmother. This warmth I'm starting to feel reminds me so much of her.
Grabbing the sheathed blade with my sword arm, I hold it out to the dragon queen quietly.
"If I can, I will make sure to give you something in exchange at a later time."
She takes the blade from me.
"Thank you. You are free to leave now. I will personally escort you out and assign you a guide."
We both get out of our chairs and take our leave; my own thoughts lingering on what happened.The feeling of warmth I had was quickly fading leaving on a feeling of numbness behind.
One explanation and introduction later, I wave goodbye to Deonora as I leave customs with my pale-green haired dragon guide. She seems interested in why I had come out with the queen, but didn't pry. As we left, the silence between us was starting to feel awkward. I get the feeling that she's not entirely used to this sort of thing, especially if her poor choice of clothing is any indication of such a thing. It seems overly revealing even by the standards of these deviants- with that hole in the center of her top and skirt that's questionably useful at that short of length. At this point I think she has noticed that I've been staring so I decide to strike up some kind of conversation to make this far less awkward for myself at least.
"Dragonia is a very large city, could you tell me what is done for entertainment around these parts?"
She thinks for a moment before answering.
"Fighting. Combat is a popular past time in Dragonia with how the Dragon Knights work. We also have the Dragonia Stadium and a major tournament that happens every year. A lot of the Dragon Knights are constantly training and some even take it out of the stadium to turn it into a street performance- it looks like one is starting over there!"
She suddenly says excitedly, pointing a claw in a direction. I turn to where she's pointing and there's another dragon facing down a man not unlike myself in plate-mail. The pinkish hue of the metal lets me immediately know that this is some kind of demon realm metal. I wonder how much my guide knows.
"Leia was it? Could you tell me what metal that man's armor is made from?"
I watch the dragon guide squint at the the knight.
"It's just unenchanted demon realm steel with a pair of demon realm silver gauntlets. If I were him? I'd probably stack on some enchantments to make absorbing full on blows easier. Any hit would be painful."
I tilt my head. That was certainly not the answer I was expecting. Leia seems to possess working knowledge on equipment- does she do armoring on her off time? Maybe this could be useful down the line.The sudden flapping of nearby wings gets my attention as fight starts.
The dragon flies off to hide among the buildings.The armored man stands his ground and holds his spear at the ready. He's trying to anticipate her angle of attack. Flying at high speeds, the dragon flies in from his left with a claw drawn outward. She lets it slash across his back as she flies by, leaving no visibly injury; however a burst of mist comes from where the man was struck. The signs of a direct attack on his spirit energy caused by weapons made with demon realm afflicted materials. The same scenario continues to repeat. The dragon relies on hiding and making surprise attacks at the knight when she can and the knight seems helpless and utterly outclassed.
As the dragoness comes down from above to make another hit and run with her claw at high speeds, the knight suddenly thrusts his spear outward. In the exact direction of the dragon. I can see the shock on the dragon's face. She tries to veer out of the way but it appears to just play into the knight's hand. He hops to the side and thrusts at the dragon right after she enters the spear's reach. The end of the spear goes right through his opponent, causing a mass amount of mist to explode outward from her as it glides through her body as she passes through. Like a puppet being cut from their strings, she appears to lose the strength to fly and crashes into the ground, tumbling on the tiled street for more than a few feet.
I had thought she was down for the count but she then rises- her stance unsteady and her eyes seem to lack focus. Their wings seems to spasm with any real movement before she closes them together. Flight seems to be out of the question now. However, the smile on her face is unmistakable. The knight on the other hand doesn't appear much better. His legs are shaking and he's using his spear like a walking stick to keep himself upright. The repeated attacks had clearly taken their toll on the man.
The combatants stare down one another. On one end was the dragon who no longer could abuse her greatest advantage. At the other end, the knight seems entirely dependant on his spear to stay upright judging from how he is desperately gripping the polearm and his legs looking weak.
I can't tell who is going to win this fight. The knight who let himself get worn down, or the dragon that took a critical blow. I begin to frown; I really want to put my bet on the knight, but knowing how strong dragons are I can't help but feel like it's already decided.
Seemingly mustering the last of their strength, the two fighters make a final rush towards one another. A claw rears itself back as the spear does as well.The dragon however was too clumsy to veer out of the way of the knight's superior reach with his spear. It finds its way through the top of her left closed wing and she collapses.
Cheers erupt form the crowd as the unsteady knight raises his spear up into the air. Even Leia next to me is caught up with the crowd, cheering alongside them. Almost unlike the dragon I had seen earlier- it might even be endearing if she wasn't a monster. Her eyes then catch mine and then I realize that my jaw is open and I close it. She likewise straightens up and ceases her cheering.
This does give me an idea. If I'm going to be operating here, then perhaps I should participate in stadium matches. It will give me time to get acquainted with the city and maybe provide a source of income. I'm not sure how well I'll fair here, but given what I've just seen there is a solid chance. I anticipate that hunting down the source of this letter will take some time.
"Leia. Can you take me to the stadium? I would like to participate."
She looks surprised at my question, but quickly responds.
"Right now it's only allowing doubles. Are you fine with that?"
I was hoping to deal with this alone, but if I don't have any other choice she might have to do. Maybe I can work this into my advantage somehow over time.
"If you're willing to have me as a partner."
"Let's go then!" The dragon quickly starts leading me toward the stadium with a very obvious spring in her step. I guess she's included in the demographic that enjoys combat around here.
We arrive up to the front desk of this admittedly quite grand stadium, even just around the front desk area. The use of marble walls along with the intricately designed granite flooring is very eye catching. Leia is talking with the receptionist when coming in from the same way we did I see Shirtiya coming flanked by two wyverns in chain. The glare she gives me is telling that something is amiss. I hope I can defuse the situation. Getting into trouble shortly after arriving isn't something I want.
"Can I help you?"
The wyvern points one of the claws on her wings squarely at me.
"Seth of Dark Lake! I am bringing you in for being a part of the Order!"
I freeze as she calls out my hometown. There shouldn't be anyone that knows where I hail from! Only conclusions that come to mind are that someone from home had made their way here and talked about me or that letter was a trap-
"What do you think you're doing!?" Leia suddenly shouts, marching up to the shorter wyvern!
Seeing where this was going I opted to bolt left, making some headway before the wyverns accompanying her get their shit together. Must be novices I figure.
Running forward I can hear the flapping of wings behind me. Up ahead I can see a weapon rack! As I get closer it quickly becomes evident that there is nothing for me to use, not even any gauntlets!
Turning my head to look behind me I see the wyverns coming straight toward me. I would really rather have metal, but fine. I at least have plans for not having any weapons on hand. Opening up a chant, I concentrate my spirit energy forward, forming a crude but functional wooden claymore that looks more like a branch than a worked weapon. As the wyverns quickly enter close range, I quickly run my hand across the blade, extending my spirit energy into the blade itself to add an extra punch to my swings. It should make it hit just enough to compete with an actual metal weapon.
Fortunately they definitely seem to be novices. The pair of wyverns are far more concerned with staying in melee range and not letting me get away rather than trying to pick me off by abusing their flight and superior speed. Their blows both come in simultaneously as I do my best to ward off what blows I can between this blade and my armor. One slip up with my blade lets one of their talons strike true on my chest. I managed to keep myself from stumbling back at least, but I know it was damaging judging from the mist that pours from where the blow landed.
I finally see an opening to use offensively- one of the wyverns lets herself fall too close to the ground. I put all my force behind a single horizontal swing at her torso. Seeing it coming, the wyvern tries to decend more quickly- likely in an attempt to duck underneath the swing. That is her undoing however as she lines her head up with my weapon. The brutality of the blow enhanced by my spirit energy hits her; knocking the wyvern onto the ground a foot away unconscious. I grin at my accomplishment.
A talon manages to scrap against my side- I let my guard down as I turn to face the now angry second wyvern. I forgot about her. I could feel myself slow down as the mist oozes from where she hit me. The next few seconds become a dance between us my blade against her talon and wing. Neither of us seem to be able to overcome the defenses of the other as she skillfully dodges and deflects my blade as I do to her sharp talons. Finally I see it. My last strike to ward her talon leaves her reeling. I go for the swing at her wing- she maneuvers to put her body to take the brunt of the blow, but she underestimates my might! The blow sends her down onto the ground in a heap still conscious unlike her companion. She sits up looking at me in what could only be described as a familiar unadulterated fear. The same fear that I had inflicted on many monsters before their final breath.
There's no point in killing here however. Killing her would give evidence to Shirtiya and maybe there's hope that I can still worm my way out of this if I'm caught. It's not like I'm part of the Order anymore. I strike her hard enough to send her into unconsciousness and I dash out of the nearest entrance as I hear the flapping of wings and Leia's voice.
"Look at what you did!"
I looked back for a moment and saw them tending to the two wyverns I had routed and then I turned my head back forward and continued my sprint.
I think I've lost them. I haven't been paying attention to where I was going and seem to be in an unusual part of this city. Looking up, the sky here seems eternally locked into twilight and the light is dim here, making the lights both magic and mundane stand out that much more- exaggerating shadows. I make my way over to a tree and allow myself to collapse underneath it. I finally let my breath catch up. A mist seems to be rolling in as well. Wondering where I might be, I take out a travel brochure they provided on the trip here. I look through it trying to figure out where I am based on appearances. The brochure is well written and has well drawn imagery. I wonder if the humans that live here made this or if dragons have a way of drawing well despite those large claw-
Oh. I set aside the pamphlet on the ground and double check my surroundings. Paying attenition more closely, I can see there are more than a few couples in seclutions quietly enjoying themselves out here.
This does however, present an opportunity. I notice there's a dragon and man couple not too far from an alleyway. I almost hate to do this, but I must ensure I get them off my trail somehow. I move over far into the alley the couple are next to and immediately begin removing my armor. I would rather not abandon the armor I paid out of pocket for, but no one, save perhaps Deonora knows what I look like under the helmet. Through sheer luck, I manage to get it all off and get a different set of clothes on. I carefully leave my armor in the alleyway nearby the couple, but out of sight of them otherwise. Fortunately, they're still in their own little world of hugs and kisses. I begin making my way out until I hear a familiar flapping. I quickly hide behind a tree and slump down against it to look like I belong here.
i didn't expect them so soon though. Were they tracking me through spirit energy because I used some during the fight? Hiding like this might be practically worthless!
"There he is!"
I peek out from around the tree and see Shiritya's attention on my fall guy. I suppose our spirit energy is similar enough that seeing the armor I left nearby made her jump on him. I'm not sure how long it will work, but for now I set her up for failure. While she and her accomplices begin to surround the now bewildered couple I make my way out and towards Dragon Wing Street in accordance to the pamphlet to get a room so I can quit today.
An hour passes as I travel towards Dragon Wing street. During the trip I took some time to patch myself up with magic using my spirit energy. I'm not exactly efficient with magic and I only know enough healing for it be useful in emergencies, but I think I've enough distance between trouble and me for me to splurge on it.
"I still can't believe that Shirtiya did that."
Looking around for the source of the conversation, I notice it coming from a pair of dragons talking outside one of the shops built into the mountainous wall.
"Which part? Bringing a couple of her fellow dragon knights to come after a man based on rumors from a drunk couple or that she had them attack him?"
"The part where she didn't catch him of course! He was able to take out two wyverns on his own I think Alti should have ordered a manhunt for him! If only so that maybe I could've had a chance with him!"
I could only stare at the two for a moment before I decided that leaving was the better idea. It seems like that Shirtiya got her information from a less reliable source. Hopefully. I'll need to buy replacement armor and leave.
As I turned away from the two chatting dragons I was met face to face with a lizardman who had her shortsword drawn on me. "You look fairly experienced compared to others around here! How about a fight?"
I brielfy considered the challenge, but I don't think I'd have a good chance at winning. Sure she didn't seem that agile judging from how heavy her armor appears- even if it is demon realm metal. Still, I'm not exactly agile myself. I doubt I'd last long enough to take her out with magic alone since it's not as sharp as my skills in melee. Isn't there something else I'm forgetting about them...?
Right. If they lose a fight, they tend to chase the victor around. That is also something I don't particularly want. Maybe being a killjoy would be my best chance of getting out of this.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but you would not want to fight me. I am unarmored and am unable to defend myself that effectively. I think you may be mistaken on how much of a challenge I would pose to you as all that I am is just a lucky man. A sandbag I imagine isn't much of a fight."
The lizardman simply looked deflated as if I had just removed any and all fun she was having. She put her blade away and walked past me, depressed.
Some hushed gossip was starting from some of the crowd. I decide to move on before I attract any more attention.
Dusk has fallen at this point in Dragonia as I arrive to an Inn; called the Dragon's Dive. Because of some of the plants in the area beginning to emit light, this part of the city is brighter than I expect. An effect of the city being in a demon realm no doubt. I manage to quickly get a room from the Wurm innkeeper and she escorts me to it. As she goes to make me some dinner, I set aside my pack, kick off my boots, and lie down on the bed that is more comfortable than it has any right to be. At least food and board here is free for single men apparently. I don't know how long I will be here but I will certainly be taking advantage of it.
Alright, so what have I actually done today?
I got pulled over and gave up the Cleaver to the dragon in charge of the place. How much of what she said is true? Was I just given the blade because I showed hero potential? ...I don't have enough to work off of. I don't think I'll be seeing that exchange anytime soon either. Best to just let it be for now.
Next I got to watch a street fight.
Nearly get identified as someone in the Order-
That one still bugs me. How would she- or anyone have information on that? However much they have, they might not have enough information to recognize me by face. I get up from the bed to look at myself in the mirror. My messy short black hair, clean face, fair skin, cold blue eyes, and enough musculature to be trained. I don't think I stand out that much compared to other men here.
I move back to the bed and lay down once more. What else happened?
I got into a fight and won before running away. I think I only managed to get away that time because Leia got in the way... for whatever reason. I'm not sure why.
Managed to end up in the red-light district of all places and then have to give up my armor to throw off my pursuers.
Finally, I ended up here.
There is a knock on the door and Wurm lets herself inside. I watch as she sets aside the plate holding the frankly large steak topped with stewed vegetable and broth.
"Is there anything else I can get you? Maybe m-"
I hold my hand up to stop her. I really don't need this right now- I've had enough trouble today.
"I'm exhausted from today. I'd just like to eat and get to sleep."
She smiles and nods. "I'll be back later to grab the dish." She leaves and I get to eating.
The smell is about as meaty as expected and the steak itself is very juicy and cooked to a nice medium-rare. The vegetables are just soft enough to be easy to eat but remain a bit crunchy which goes great with the somewhat salty broth on and around the steak itself. It's only when there is no more food left that I realize how little I've actually eaten all day. The innkeeper 'coincidentially' comes in just after I finish eating to take my dish.
"I hope you enjoyed it. Do you need any-"
I motion for her to leave. I'm really not in the mood for any of this right now. Fortunately, she takes the hint and departs leaving me alone. I lie back on the bed and close my eyes.
When I open them again, I notice that someone put a blanket on me. Did I really fall asleep that quickly. It feels like only a couple of moments have passed. I get up and open up the curtain, and end up blinding myself from the light.
It's daytime.
As I finish putting myself together, there's a knock at the door.
The inn wurm comes in with a crate.
"This was dropped off for you very early in the morning according to one of these letters here. Do you have-"
"Thank you for bringing it up to me. Could you please set it down near the dresser and let me take care of it privately?"
"Of course." After setting it down, the wurm slithers on out and closes the door behind her.
I then turn my attention to the very plain wooden crate. What could this even be? And how do people keep finding me! Really, I can't be that well known and obvious can I?
I open the create, and find a set of gold-trimmed blue armor that at first glance looks ceremonial. On top, is a letter. I quickly snatch it and open it up. Unfortunately, it's entirely different from the one that brought me here judging from the unfamiliar handwriting.
Dear Seth,
I would like to lead with that I greatly disagree with your immediate explusion from the Order. Surely there was a reason for your actions. I'm sure once we meet we can get your story straight, stand trial and clear your name. I only regret that this has delayed our meeting and training. I know not why you're in Dragonia but I recommend staying out of the cities at least. I hope we can meet soon.
Shit. I was supposed to meet with a Valkyrie and begin training with her on the day I arrived home-
Let's not think about that day.
I begin looking through the armor. I think it will fit? At least I don't have to worry about buying a new armor after leaving behind my last set. I take the time to get the armor, gather the rest of my stuff and leave. Maybe today I could make some progress.
I After getting the armor on, I go out to spend some more time asking around. Eventually, I run into a dragon who claimed to recognize it.
"Yes I do! Here, let me go find a copy of a letter I have from them! I'll be back soon!"
I decided to take a seat next to a tree and wait as I watch her fly away. Judging from the sun an hour has passed so far. Obviously this wasn't going anywhere. As I get ready to leave I see the dragon coming back in the distance. I wait for her and she lands next to me.
"Sorry, I got distracted! Here's the letter!"
She passes me the letter and almost instantly I knew this wasn't it. It seems like someone tried to copy their penmanship and the signed name was entirely wrong. I might need to actually start searching by name instead. After today I will give it a try. I return the letter to the dragon.
"Sorry for making you waste your time. The name isn't right and the handwritting is off."
The dragon looks deflated as I turn to leave. I wonder if she was trying to get me to go somewhere? Regardless, I have more work to do.
Time passes quickly as I gather next to nothing today. The chime of bells around me ring out but I can't find a source. Once they stop I hear a voice, a soft one entirely angelic in nature.
"Can you hear me?" I hear the voice call out in my mind.
"Yes?" I say trying to call back to in my own head? This is weird.
"Great! I can't communicate for long. What you're wearing right now is my armor reforged for your measurements. I had few leads on figuring out where you were, but thanks to your friend at Dark Lake I was able to get a clue where you might be. So I sent out the crate with a bit of luck enchanted onto it and hoped it would get to you while I looked into other leads. The armor itself gives me the direction of where you are from me and lets me speak to you as long as you're wearing it! Unfortunately doing this required its magic to be reforged to do so which means it might be inconsistent when it works. I'm on my way and hopefully we can go back to the order together!"
"Wai-" suddenly silence. I could tell that she wasn't available for the moment. The tone in both the letter and how she spoke to me was kind of different. Might've been since she had less information to work with.
I want to get my mind off of this mess. Fighting would be a good way to do so but I don't want to go back to the stadium in case I'm recognized somehow. There's also that item the queen would be giving back to me in return. I need to figure out how to obtain that too. I don't have a weapon at the moment. I would prefer normal steel but for the time demon realm steel will have to do. It will at least be better than having to burn spirit energy to create a temporary weapon every time.
Buying a flamberge and a pair of daggers for once is issueless. Since today looks to be fruitless, I take time to relax and try to enjoy the scenery- as much as I can in a demon realm anyway. By the time night sets in I begin to return to the inn.
Two days have passed since I started asking around- of course on the morning of the third day is that I ended up asking the innkeeper.
"You mean Zutia? Zutia the wandering trainer? Yeah, she was famous in Dragonia a long time ago for being one of the few monsters to have traveled across all of Dragonia. Last I heard of her she was training some of the Dragon Knights before leaving. I don't remember how long ago that was."
I try to hide my surprise as I nod and thank her for her time and leave. Finally, I had something. Maybe it would be time to find a library and see if I could gather any information that way now that I know she was some kind of significant around here. Why was she here? And for how long? What else has she done? I decide to distract myself by looking through the pamplet for some kind of library to distract myself from asking these kinds of questions.
As I'm making my way to a library listed in the pamphlet, I overhear a conversation from a couple of harpies- speaking of a series of harsh storms out at sea that is causing problems for anyone coming in and out of Dragonia's port. Well, that's unfortunate to hear. It looks like leaving Dragonia is no longer possible.
I've been walking around town, trying to locate a proper library but I'm pretty sure I missed a turn somewhere and I'm lost. Fuck it. At this point, I might as well go around whoever I could that wasn't an obvious dragon knight about where to find a library. After asking one monster, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to the source of it when suddenly I find myself looking down at a blond short-haired dragon whose unkempt helmet hair competes with my own. She unusually has a red eye and a blue eye and is not wearing much aside from a leotard. Once I realize how close she is to me I unconsciously step back to get some personal space.
"You were looking for a library right?"
"Yes.. yes I was." I take a moment get my composure back togther.
"Well, when it comes to martial knowledge and history I am a library!" she proudly exclaims.
I raise an eyebrow at her claims. It is at this point I notice a very unique blade she's carrying around, but I don't see any other indication that she may be a dragon knight. Maybe she's just a traveling warrior.
"Right. Then do you know anything about someone named Zutia?"
"Zuty? I haven't heard her name in a long time since she left Dragonia!"
Finally someone that could truly help!
"Do you? Does this letter match her handwriting to you?"
In haste, I pull out the letter and hand it to her. I watch as she looks through it before handing it back to me.
"Looks like her writing to me! Hey, how did you get this? She never sends me anything!" she says, almost whining.
...Last kind of response I expected to hear from a dragon. I don't really feel comfortable telling too much even if she claims to know her personally.
"I was a disciple of hers."
"Where did she go after leaving Dragonia."
I shake my head- more for my own sake than answering. I don't want to recall her last moment.
"This is all I have left. I've been pursuing it since and have been hoping to verify that it is her that sent it."
"Well obviously this means she sent you to me for training. Come! Let's go to the stadium so I can see how good you are!"
"Hey wait-" my protests are cut off as she grabs my arm and takes off into the sky with me in tow.
Being able to see all the buildings in Dragonia would be breathtaking; the overview of all the buildings set up against the mountain and the skyview of the sea and trees- it'd be to die for if I wasn't currently holding on for my dear life to the arm of a strange dragon while dangling above the city at what should be a terrifying height.
As we land, I trail behind the excited dragon as my legs refuse to stop shaking. As I slowly make my way inside I note that there are people eyeing us. Was she well known around here? Regardless, for once I'm glad I don't feel emotions much. That flight I fear might've otherwise thrown me into a panic. I've never been up that high before.
The receptionist looks surprised to see us coming in together. "Alti! It's not everyday I see you bringing a man with you."
"Yep! He's another student of my mentor, so I'm going to test him!"
"Did you want a set of armor today since you're off hours?"
"Let me have a set of full plate!"
Alti then turns to me. "Wait for me in the stadium!"
I watch her go off, presumably to get ready.
It's only when you enter that I truly understand the size and grandness of the stadium itself. I didn't need to wait long before I see Alti come in from the other end wearing some amount of armor. It looks far too little to me, but I know its deceptive because of how demonrealm armor works- with it being just as protective as its counterparts not made with demonrealm tainted materials. We approach one another in the center of the ring and draw our blades. It's then I see that her sword was more than usual but clearly a weapon simple by the blade itself being opaque. The eye on the guard seems to be alert and watching me.
"Show me what you're made of! You get the first shot!"
I nod in return and smirk. I already beat some wyverns and this is just a dragon from the street. Still, if she's trained by mother then I still should take her seriously. I dash towards and swing my blade at a weak point I spot in her stance. As usual, the demonsteel weapon cuts right through her, not leaving any physical wounds, the mist is significant. I must have made a critical blow! Yet... when I look her stance hasn't even changed at all in reaction.
In fact, her only reaction to it is just a smile growing on her face. I feel my stomach drop in the face of this dragon.
"That's not too bad!"
She then makes a single slice with enough overwhelming force that I could feel the sheer pressure of the blow through my armor. My strength drains from my entire body- unable to stand up I fall onto my back and then fall into darkness.